Who shall ever separate us from the love of Christ? Will tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? Romans 8:35 AMP

God's love is different. It contains everything any lonely soul would ever need and more. It has every dimension of love any person in love could desire and more. God's love is excessively extravagant. Have you ever taken a moment to wonder why God loves you? Especially when you know yourself very well and you know you don't deserve such love. There's absolutely nothing we can do or have done to deserve God's love. In fact, we can't work for it or prove we did something for it. He just loves because he is Love. And God's love is different: He calls the outcast. He embraces the despised. He loves the unloved. He doesn't see any social barriers. He cherishes all.  Who can separate us from God's love? What will separate us from God's love? Death could not keep him away from us. Will we allow a little sin to get in the way of our love? Will we allow a bit of hardship to destroy this beautiful love? Will we allow riches and wealth to take us away from our love? May we be on our guard so no one and nothing comes between our relationship.

Let's pray: Oh how wonderful is the Saviour's love for us. How sweet and precious. May our love grow stronger day by day. Amen