But the lovingkindness of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting on those who [reverently] fear Him, and His righteousness to children's children. Psalm 103:17 AMP

We thank God for the fact that he is not man. Can you imagine how it would be if God were to love us only on Valentine's Day, or on other special occasions? All the other days in our lives, he would take little notice of us and splurge on us only on these days. Believe me, that would be a terrible thing. Thank God for God. Thank God for his love. Thank God for his endless love towards us. But just like our love for our friends, children and special ones are different; different degrees of intimacy, so is God's love for those who have made him their all in all. When we intimately know God, when we totally rely and abandon ourselves on him, when we willingly surrender and obey him totally, he takes us into depths of love we've never known before. He reveals himself to us in ways we've never imagined before. The phrase used in the Bible to describe such love is "God marries us". God shares his secrets and plans with us at that level. The Psalmist tells us his love and righteousness follows us long after we're gone, and our children and their children enjoy our love affair with God. Amazing! May we experience such love. May we yield ourselves to experience God's intimacy at such deeper levels. May we worship God with all that we are. May we give God our all.

Let's pray :Take me back dear Lord. Take me deeper into yourself. Let me know you as you are, so I can worship you as I ought to. I ask and pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen