
Put on the full armour of God [for His precepts are like the splendid armour of a heavily-armed soldier], so that you may be able to [successfully] stand up against all the schemes and the strategies and the deceits of the devil. Ephesians 6:11 AMP

During certain seasons, we may be tempted to walk around naked due to the unbearable heat. But even then, we would do it in the comfort and seclusion of our rooms or homes and not in the open. It's a completely different story at the spiritual level. X-rays don't show demons. Physical monitors can't capture witches. Camera's don't show the evil plans in a person's heart. Therefore, every day, we need to be covered from head to toe in our spiritual armour. We can't afford to walk around spiritually naked, leaving our weapons of warfare behind. Each day, the devil tries something new against us. Each day, he is trying to get us to fall into his schemes and plots. Each day, there's a new batch of cunning lies and untruths he's releasing against us. How can we cut through these plots and schemes without the sword of the Spirit? Imagine leaving your bullet proof vest behind and walking into a shooting zone? This is our shield of faith, and it needs to be up each second of the day, to stop the barrage of lies. Without the clothing of discernment, how will we know how to avoid those people who masquerade as friends when in fact they're not? May we be prepared daily for the warfare that goes on around us. May we not walk naked at any time. May we walk fully clothed in the armour of God. May we walk ready to do battle at any time.

Let’s pray: Father, release your armies to bring additional strength and help to us. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen