I said, "I will guard my ways that I might not sin with my tongue; I will muzzle my mouth while the wicked are in my presence". Psalm 39:1 AMP

How often have we spoken out of turn and wished we hadn't opened our mouths? Sometimes, it feels like we've been pushed to speak when we could have kept quiet. Or, we've shared a part of our lives or a problem we're going through with the wrong person and regretted it. At times, we've used words we thought had been erased from our vocabulary. Like the Psalmist, may we learn to guard our ways, especially our tongues. May we learn to grow in silence because not everyone who hears our story is pleased for us. May we learn to muzzle our mouths until God has completed his work. May we learn to use wholesome words that will not cause the Holy Spirit to flinch. Do you remember Zechariah? What if he hadn't been made dumb? He would have mentioned it to Elizabeth his wife. His wife obviously had friends. She would have told them too. And I'm pretty sure there would be one friend who was barren just like Elizabeth. She would be very unhappy that God had chosen Elizabeth and not her. Tell me, what do you think her reaction would have been? She would have been spending the next nine months praying for a miscarriage for Elizabeth. Have we inadvertently caused a miscarriage of our blessings by speaking out of turn? Have we aborted our testimonies by sharing with those who are consumed with jealousy against us? May we learn to muzzle our mouths until God has finished dealing with the issue at hand in our lives. May our lips not take us to the wrong places.

Let's pray: Help us Father not to speak out of turn. May our tongues not cause us to sin against you and our neighbours. May our tongues not bring pepper against us. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen