But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgement. Mathew 12:36 KJV

You know how during a football game, we have more coaches than players; couch coaches directing the game from the comfort of their rooms. Then we have our economic advisers; those ones who have the blue print of how the economy should be run, the harsh critics of the government. But the deadliest of all are those who speak against God. Those who criticize God. Those who think what God is doing is wrong; those who feel he could have done better. You haven't heard them before? Listen to yourself closely. Why me God? Why didn't you just answer and give me what I asked you for? Look at so and so, why do they have this and not me? Did it have to be this way? Sounds familiar? Then there are those who outrightly deride and scoff at God; he couldn't handle Satan in heaven and he threw him to us on earth. We have every right as children to ask questions, to seek answers, to have a better understanding of God. However, it's the attitude and posture we take that makes a difference. It's the state of our hearts that makes it a criticism or a request to learn. If we'll be giving an account of our words one day, may we make them words that amount and account for something.

Let's pray: for every foolish word I've spoken, either in jest or in ignorance, Father please forgive me. May my words not cause others to stumble or trip in their walk with you. May my words not be insulting to you. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen