[it is this:] that the Gentiles are now joint heirs [with the Jews] and members of the same body, and joint partakers [sharing] in the [same divine] promise in Christ Jesus through [their faith in] the good news [of salvation]. Ephesians 3:6 AMP

We sing this gospel song "I know who I am", without true understanding. For some of us, it's a danceable song with catchy lyrics. Through revelation, Apostle Paul is showing us our position in God's family. We are joint heirs with the Jews. Meaning that every inheritance possible that the Jews have enjoyed or can enjoy, you and I sitting in our non-Jew world can also enjoy. There's a story about a man who would spend lavishly on his daughters. Each time he came home, his son would calmly pick the receipts and tell him 'you spent so much on the girls; you'll spend the same on me because I have the receipt '. We also have the receipts: the Bible records! In addition, we also get to share in the same Messiah promised. God's promise of being in our midst and calling us sons and daughters is realized. We are specifically and specially chosen and set apart to worship God. Through our faith in Christ Jesus, we too get to enjoy the same privileges. Isn't God good? He has not left us destitute or with a sub-standard inheritance: same. He has given us his name, his power, and his presence. This is who we are in Christ Jesus. That's why we cannot afford to live any other life than God's life. We can't afford to be running away from challenges when we have to subdue them. Do you know who you are? Then live it. May we not compromise on who we are. May we walk in the light, truth, and confidence of our birthright.

Let's pray: I know I am the favourite child of El Shaddai. I step out in confidence knowing that my Father has given all power and authority to me. I know who I am. Amen