It is inevitable that stumbling blocks come; but woe to the person on whose account or through whom the stumbling block comes! Mathew 18:7b AMP

We all trip and fall sometimes, in our walk with Christ. An angry word, an unbidden bad thought, something we linger on instead of looking away, giving our own opinion and saying 'the Lord said', when he hasn't, and many many little things we do. But do we know the effect our words and actions have on others and their faith? Are we strengthening the faith of others or causing them to stumble? Our scripture above tells us that sin and temptations will definitely come our way, but may we not be the cause or the source of sin that will make someone lose their faith and place with God. May we not be the person that makes someone stay away from church. May we not be that person who will make someone say "if this person is a Christian, then I'll stay away from God". May our lifestyle not make others believe that everything goes with Christ; that we can do anything and get away with everything. Even in the food and what we drink, may we not cause others to stumble and fall. Jesus said it: There are many things out there that may cause a person to fall but may we not be known in heaven or on earth as a stumbling block that kept others from knowing God.

Let's pray: Father, help me to watch my ways. May I not cause others to fall, ignorantly or deliberately. Help me to watch my ways. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen