Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth does not become tired or grow weary; there is no searching of His understanding. Isaiah 40:28 AMP

Sometimes the pressures of life and the stress from men, causes us to forget how powerful God really is. Our daily struggles loom bigger than they actually are, causing us to focus on them instead of God. Have we made God so small we cannot trust him to solve our problems and to satisfy our needs? Have we magnified our problems to the extent that we're now worshipping them instead of God? We're pampering our struggles instead of handing them over to God. We all need a little reminder of who God is and what God can do. He asks "to whom will you compare me so we will be equal?" Whom will we compare God with? The Creator, of everything we know, or have ever heard of, holds everything, including you and I, together by himself. And he's not growing tired of holding us up. The all-wise, all-knowing God, knows what to do for us if only we would trust him enough. Are you weak and heavy laden? Turn it over. You don't know where to turn or what to do? Turn it over. God is not a scam! Try him for yourself and you will testify of his goodness.

Let's pray: Who is like you among the gods? You are fearful in holiness and powerful in praise, always doing wonders for us your children.  Hallelujah. Amen