He said to them, "But who do you say that I am?" Simon Peter replied, "You are the Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed), the Son of the living God." Mathew 16:15-16 AMP

Close friends and family know us better than the world at large. They should be able to give a summary of the kind of person you are simply because they've walked with you for a while. How long have you walked with Jesus Christ? If Jesus Christ were to ask you "who do you say I am"? How would you answer? Who is Jesus Christ to you? Better yet, do you know who Jesus is? Is he the giver of good gifts like Santa, or he's more than that to you? Is he just that man people claim he died and rose up again? Or he's more than a friend and saviour to you? You've heard others talk about him so you also do, yet you don't know him on a personal level. Wouldn't you want to know him for yourself? Wouldn't you want to love Christ first hand and experienced him yourself? Like Peter answered, may we also be bold and say 'Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God'. How would you answer if Jesus asked you "who do you think I am"?

Let's pray: Father, we don't want a head knowledge of you. We are asking for an experiential personal relationship between Jesus Christ and each of us. Come into our hearts, come and walk with us closer than before. We ask in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen