
The steps of a [good and righteous] man are directed and established by the Lord, and He delights in his way [and blesses his path]. Psalm 37:23 AMP

It's been said that there are some people who don't like to ask for directions; they act like they don't need directions. Then, there are some, who though they ask for directions, don't follow the directions; they follow their own plans. And the third group are those who ask for directions and actually follow the signs. Which of these three groups of people, do you think will get to their destination in good time and without unnecessary drama? In life, we can also steer clear of the one-ways and dead ends, if only we'd ask for directions from God and actually follow those directions. Our verse above says "God directs the steps of a righteous man". Not only does he direct the steps of the one who asks for and his directions, but he establishes it as well. In other words, God will ensure their ways are secure in all that he or she undertakes to do. Another meaning would be that, God himself will lead the one who submits his way to him so that everything they engage in will be successful. Our verse adds that God delights in such a person and blesses his path. Obviously, if we're following in the footsteps or in the path laid down for us by God, he will be happy about us and make sure his name is not belittled or put to shame. In the next phase of our lives, in the coming year and the remaining days of this year, may we be like the third group of people who ask and follow the directions provided. May we ask God to lead and direct our steps.

Let’s pray: May we never walk alone Lord. Guide us and establish our ways. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen