I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. Psalm 121:1-2 ESV

When men say 'there is a casting down', we will say "there is a lifting up" because our help is from the Lord; the God who made heaven and earth. Isn't this comforting? But do we live it? We seem to be living in a fire-fighting mode these days with everyone praying to make it to the next day, to the next month, to the next year. Life's upheavals and recent events has introduced a deep seated fear that we don't voice out to ourselves let alone to others. But who is your God? Has he asked us to live in fear or in defeat? Who is your source? Where does your help come from? Let's get real. The Psalmist was a well known warrior King. He had defeated stronger and bigger nations than his own. And in all his battles he had won. How? By making God his everything. David never moved a step without consulting God. David was fully obedient to God's direction and he never failed to thank God. David knew that access into God's secrets was through humility and worship. David acknowledged that God alone was his source. Can we be like David and trust in God totally? Can we drop the back and forth and hold on to his words? Can we be like children and trust God implicitly? The Code word is: Look Up! Not at men or happenings around us. Peter sank because he looked around. May we not sink. But even if we do, our help is right next to us.

Let's pray: Our God and our help through the ages. Our light and our strength. We ask again for your strength to stand strong and to forge ahead. May your presence never depart from us. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen