Which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Colossians 1:27b KJV

Where there is hope, there is life. Why do we say that? Because if all is lost, but we have hope, like a little flame, it can rekindle our dreams and aspirations, and kick us back into gear. Hope is like that jump-start kit we have in our cars to bring life back to a dead engine. If we carry Christ, and we do, since his Holy Spirit dwells in us, we can never be disadvantaged to the point where we lose complete hope in everything. We're not allowed to.  We carry God's glory upon us on a daily basis. Do you remember how the Angels and Prophets announced Christ before he was born? They said his name would be called Immanuel. Meaning God with us; meaning God drawing closer than before. Not the God who could be found only on the mountain tops, or only through the Seers; but God inside of us. God in our homes, in our workplaces, in the day and at night. God with us every where.  Therefore our future can never be bleak. "Christ in you the hope of glory" is telling us that our tomorrow will always be better than our yesterday's because hope in and through Christ can never be lost. Keep hope alive because through Christ we will have a glorious future; now and in eternity.

Let's pray: Immanuel, God with me. Thank you for your wonderful promise. Father, in the name of Jesus Christ move me upward from glory to glory in honour of your Word. Amen