
Listen carefully, I am about to do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; will you not be aware of it? I will even put a road in the wilderness, rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:19

There are some people who say God has finished all the work he set out to do and is resting. There's nothing new he's doing or can do. It's all been done. Shame. We know better though. We know God is still working and doing something new in our lives or around us. We know, because we're still experiencing God's goodness and blessings all around us. Jesus also confirms that God is still working because he said "my Father has been working until now". Whichever group we belong to doesn't really matter at this time. Know why? God is about to do a new thing. For those who say he's done it all, just stay tuned. He's about to do something new and radical that will leave you stunned and amazed. For those of us who know our God is always doing new and impossible stuff, let's keep our radar up. Let's keep our expectations alive. Let's stay focused and tuned in, into God's frequency. When God asks "will you not be aware of it?" It means it will be so big we cannot mistake it for man's hand. It will be so mighty no one can explain it away as coincidence. It will be so amazing even unbelievers will testify that this is God's doing. Are you ready? Can you already perceive the good things God is putting together just for you?

Let’s pray: I am ready to receive from you Lord. Send me that ground breaking miracle. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen