But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen you [setting you on a firm foundation] and will protect and guard you from the evil one. 2 Thessalonians 3:3 AMP

Anytime someone provides feedback, and introduces the word "but", we immediately assume what's coming next may not be positive. We brace ourselves to learn what the "but" could mean. Not with God. God is the only one with whom "but" turns into a positive sentence. In fact, with God, every "but" turns the earlier negativity into a new and good thing. Isn't that awesome? Even when we attach God's name to a word or a pause expecting critical evaluation, just his name turns the negative atmosphere into a good one. We should be applying God's name to every negativity to reap positive results. Someone's story is "I was sick to the point of death, but God". Our God is faithful; He will not leave us alone no matter how far we try to run away from him. But God! He will set us on a firm foundation such that when everyone and everything is shaking and falling all around us, we will be standing firm. But God! He is protecting and guarding us and all who belong to us so the evil one does not catch us. But God! Steadily he has watched over us and brought us into a new month. Inspite of all the troubles and challenges God has been faithful. May we always have a "but God" moment with testimonies about how God moved and turned our stories around. 

Let's pray: Were it not you in our lives God, where would we be? But because you're always there for us we're here to praise and worship you and to thank you for all the amazing things you are doing for us. Thank you Lord. Amen