I would have despaired had I not believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Psalm 27:13 AMP

Have you been listening to the news recently? It's disaster after disaster. Civil unrest, earthquakes, floods, fires, military aggression. It's so easy to give up because it looks like everything is falling apart. Then we have our own little fires in our lives. The stress from work, relationships that are fraying at the edges, money, health and many more. If you read the psalm carefully, in particular the verse for the day, you will notice that David seemed to be going through serious similar challenges. He was on the point of giving up but something or someone stopped him. His faith and belief in the God of Impossibilities. He says "I would have despaired", telling us that the things going against him and all around him were enough for him to throw in the towel. But for God's word! We will also see God's goodness in our lives and all around us if we don't give up. If we trust in God's word for us. God has said "all things work together for our good", not some things but all things. Trust in God. Trust his words. Believe on him like your life depends on it, because it does. And watch God surprise you.

Let's pray: rekindle our faith in you Father and in your word. Even if our faith cannot carry your promises, do it for us because of who you are. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen