Because lawlessness is increased, the love of most people will grow cold. But the one who endures and bears up [under suffering] to the end will be saved. Matthew 24:12-13 AMP

There are so many things going on these days that are simply incomprehensible. There are some stories which when you hear them, shakes your faith in man and leaves you wondering. We're skeptical and wary to give alms or to do good; to help strangers. That's because we've learned the hard way that it's either a scam or it's for evil intentions. People appear genuine until they swindle you out of your hard earned cash. And unfortunately, it has crept into our churches. People are not afraid to come into the sanctuary of God to steal. Some people stand on altars and scam innocent people; wolves in sheep clothing. The Bible has taught us again and again that the heart of man is evil. If we put our trust in man, we will fail and fall. But, there is still a remnant that fears God. A remnant of true believers who are still doing the right thing. Men may laugh and call them names but it is the love and fear of God that makes them do what they do. That we would be part of this remnant! That we would live our lives in such a way that believer and non believers, would testify about us. That in spite of the evil schemes going on around us, we will still love our neighbours as we love ourselves. And in spite of all the lying schemes and unholy lifestyles pervading our society, we will be holy and separated for God. May Christ help us to stand firm and true to our faith.

Let's pray: Father, may I live holy and pure, separated for you. May I be found listed in the book of the remnant. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen