
Let them give thanks to the Lord for His lovingkindness, and for His wonderful acts to the children of men! And let them offer the sacrifices of thanksgiving, and speak of His deeds with shouts of joy!

"He has done so much for me, I cannot tell it all, narekele mo". Do you know this song of gratitude? Do you have your own song of gratitude? Can you testify to God's goodness in your life? Are you singing and showing it or you're not? As children of God, our show of gratitude should be a constant affair. Whether it is convenient to praise or shout, we should learn to give voluntary thanks to God; for everything. That's what "the sacrifice of thanksgiving" is all about. Voluntarily, we give the thanks back to him; we let go of any inhibitions and bless God like our lives hang on it. We should give thanks to God without being prompted to do so. It should be both a conscious and an unconscious state of being; in a mood of gratitude all the days of our lives. Why? Because God has done 'some' for  us. He deserves to be glorified. There's a word we don't normally associate with God, and that's meekness. For all that God does for us, he doesn't go to the market place to brag or announce it. In fact, if we don't talk about it, no one else will know. But how can we hide his glory and the great acts he does in our lives? How will others know how wonderful and powerful this God is if we're not loud in our praises, in our thanksgiving and in our gratitude? May we give God the praise he deserves.

Let’s pray: Accept our thanksgiving and gratitude Abba Father, for everything you do and for who you are to us. Thank you Lord.