
Cast your bread on the surface of the waters, [be diligently active, make thoughtful decisions], for you will find it after many days. Ecclesiastes 11:1 AMP

We all know that bread and water are not exactly the best of friends. If your bread falls into water just forget it. The end result of that bread is unrecognizable. Why then would the scriptures ask us to cast our bread on the waters, and tell us we'll find it after many days? The answer can be found in the same scriptures. In Galatians 6:9, we're told not to be weary in doing good for at the right time, we'll reap an abundant harvest from our good deeds to others. In other words, we shouldn't give to get; not to God and not to man. That's a very wrong approach most of us have at the back of our minds. As soon as we give we're immediately counting the days and waiting to get a reward. Like the bread that's dropped in the water, once it leaves our hands, it's gone. For good. In the verse above, The Word used is "waters", plural. In other words, we shouldn't be stingy in doing good, in giving, in helping others. When our motives for giving are pure, anytime we give, it can be likened to that bread in the water; lost for a season. Yet, in heavens economy, and in ways we can never explain, God always returns the favour we did to others. It might not be in identical or same form as we gave, but we will receive it back. Our giving is like investing in God's Treasury bills; there's always a bountiful return. So like the scripture says, don't stop doing good, don't sow sparingly and cast your bread on the waters. It will definitely return to you at the right time and in good measure.

Let’s pray: Help us to stop being selfish Lord. Help us to be genuinely compassionate and giving to others.  Amen