
Beloved, I pray that in every way you may succeed and prosper and be in good health [physically], just as I know your] your soul prospers [spiritually]. 3 John 1:3 AMP

God's design for our lives is that we will enjoy all round goodness. That's why right from the beginning he blessed us, empowered us to take dominion and to subdue the earth. God wants us to enjoy his blessings, after all, he created the world and handed it over to us. The first line of our scripture is an assurance and a prayer that we have succees in every way. It's like a revolving door of blessings; whichever way we turn, we're to enjoy prosperity and success. What this means is that we should be seeing actual progress in our lives. If we started out with one, we should be seeing additional blessings. Our lives are not meant to be stagnated and this is our portion as children of God. Even as we're growing spiritually, we're also meant to be seeing physical and material progress in our lives. We're victors not victims. We're heirs not squatters. We're children of the Most High God and our lives should showcase that. The only drawback is when we allow the prosperity and success to take us away from God. The drawback is when we begin to worship the blessings instead of the Giver. May we not sadden God by turning our backs on him after we have been blessed. May we strive to grow in the spirit even as the blessings begin to flow.

Let's pray: Father, may I never forget you after I have received the abundance from your storehouse. May I always remember you. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen