Blessed shalt thou be when thou comest in, and blessed shalt thou be when thou goest out. Deuteronomy 28:6 KJV

Do you know what day it is today? The first friday of October. Each and every day, God has faithfully kept the gates for us. Not once has he dropped the ball! He opens us each morning and leads us out; and blesses us with all our daily needs. Each night, he gathers us back safely together; He accounts for each and everyone of us. His duty as a Father doesn't end there. He watches over us while we sleep and brings us into a new day armed with love and mercy. In his promise to us, recorded in the verse above, God said he will "bless our going out and our coming in". Going into October, he had gone ahead of us and blessed the month. As we're in October, God is blessing us. Before we come into the weekend, he's blessing our coming in; and he will continue to bless our going through until we end the month and do the same in the coming months. That's his promise to us. He's got us covered ahead and behind. Only God can do this for us.

Let's pray: Accept our thanksgiving Father God. We appreciate and acknowledge you as our Shepherd. We thank you for leading us, guiding, feeding and protecting us. Thank you God.