
And the threshing floors shall be full of grain, and the vats shall overflow with new wine and oil. Joel 2:24 AMP

There's a wise saying in Africa which goes something like: "look well at that person who promises to clothe you". It roughly translates to "critically assess the one who promises to give you a gift, before believing they can actually give it to you". If someone who has no clothes or shoes, promises to give you some form of clothing, it should make you wonder how they can do that. If they had the means to provide clothing, why aren't they clothed or covered themselves? But our God is unlike man. When God says he's giving, we can believe he will exceed our expectations. He's the God of abundance who is known as Jehovah Overdo. He has so much in his storehouse that he can give and give until we're more than full. In our scripture above, we're told that our supply of grain and wine will overflow. Grain represents seed and the Bible tells us that "as long as the earth remains, seed time and harvest shall never cease". This is a confirmation of God's ability to out give and of God's abundance. We're also promised an overflow of wine. Do you remember the wine at the wedding in Cana? Not only was it the best but it was in abundance. Wine represents celebration and joy. In this new month, may we have an overflow of God's blessings. May we enter our season of surplus. May the things we need to live life overflow. May our shouts of joy never cease. May the God of abundance bless us with a bountiful harvest from the seeds sown in his kingdom.

Let's pray: We activate the covenant of surplus into our lives, by the power in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen