And the Ever-living One [living in and beyond all time and space]. I died, but see, I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of [absolute control and victory over death and of Hades (the realm of the dead). Revelation 1:18 AMP.

Indescribable God is a close description of who Jesus is. In only one verse of scripture, we find such amazing attributes of our God and Saviour, which should make us feel secure in belonging to him. He is the Ever-living One, he's eternal. All other god's have had a definite beginning and an end. He tells John the Apostle and us that he died; truly he did, but he lives forever. If you have a God who is always alive, doesn't that inspire you to believe he's always available for you? He goes on to say 'he has absolute control and victory over death and Hades'. Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Not only does he have power over the living but he has absolute control over the dead and their world. He also said he lives beyond time and space, yet, he knows what goes on in time and space. He's beyond the confines of time. Anything that troubles us belongs to one category or the other; dead, alive, time or space. Our God is in control of all the categories. What's your need or fear?Anything we desire is a possibility for us through Christ Jesus.

Let's pray: We're asking for your fullness in exchange for our emptiness. Fill us to overflowing with your spirit. We ask in the most powerful name, Jesus Christ. Amen