"You are My witnesses," declares the Lord. "And My servant whom I have chosen, that you may know and believe Me and understand that I am He. Before Me there was no God formed, and there will be none after Me". Isaiah 43:10 AMP

Who is a witness or what does a witness do? If you've ever been to court, or watched any of those legal films, it's sure you've seen people called to testify, to give an account of what they either saw, heard or experienced. God calls us his witnesses. It's a serious burden placed on us as God's witnesses, and we don't have to trifle with it. We don't necessarily have to stand in the box to give an account of what we have seen or experienced, we don't necessarily have to stand in court to testify, we can give an account of what we have experienced anywhere and with everyone. As long as we have first-hand experience of God's goodness and power, we can testify to others about him. In the same verse, we're called 'servants', not Master. We're called to serve the One about whom we're testifying. If you've ever been on the receiving end of a rude and arrogant waiter or waitress, you know that such attitudes are a no-no in the service industry. Are you serving God with attitude? Are you giving others attitude because you're in a position of service? Remember one day the Master will return, the Judge will be in his seat, he will be rewarding the faithful stewards. May we be found faithful and humble.

Let's pray: Father, may I be a faithful witness and a trustworthy servant of what you have entrusted me with. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen