O magnify the Lord with me, and let's lift up His name together. Psalm 34:3 AMP

Have you ever wondered what God saw in David? What at all did he see that made him pick David from the wilderness and set him as King? Have you also realized God seems to love people in the wilderness? Or those going through the wilderness? Maybe that's where one's character is formed; a place where the true nature of a person is revealed. Anyone who can find God's beauty and presence while going through seasons of dryness must be someone after God's heart. It's not about the blessings but about the giver. It's not about what people think but it's about what God wants.  And that's why God personally selected David. His heart was in the right place. He knew and understood the heart of God. He was in tune with the desires of God's heart. And importantly, he knew how to access the Holy of Holiest through praise and worship. Each day was an opportunity to magnify God. Nowhere in the Bible do we learn that David complained; as long as Saul lived, he never usurped his throne. He made grave and foolish mistakes and yet while going through his discipline, he still found the time to magnify God. The same God punishing him. For some of us that would have been enough reason to castigate God; to call him all the wicked names the tongue has ever come up with. Yet David's heart was where it had always been: acknowledging and worshipping God. May we have a heart like David. A heart that can praise even in times of adversity. A heart that can sing even when there's no one to hear. A heart filled with humility to accept our own faults and to ask for forgiveness. A heart that mimics God's heart.

Let's pray: Father, may my heart be your temple. May my heart mimic the desires of yours. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen