
Just as Abraham BELIEVED GOD, AND IT WAS CREDITED TO HIM AS RIGHTEOUSNESS, [as conformity to God's will and purpose - so it is with you also]. Galatians 3:6 AMP

Nothing beats that feeling of getting an alert, notifying a credit made into your account. It adds an extra layer of confidence and changes your whole demeanour because you know your economic status just received a boost.  This is for cash that is here today and spent like a flash in the pan; money that literally flies away in our present economies. But did you know we each have a spiritual account? An account that gets credited each time we exercise our faith in God? In God's economy, the more we use what's in our spiritual accounts, the more credit we get. The more we use our faith, the more credit we receive. Each time we stand on our faith, we are credited. Each time we trust God and move by faith and not by sight, our balance is credited. I wonder how my account is doing? Do you wonder what your spiritual balance is? Is it showing a deep red or it's got a healthy balance? This side of the world, we may never know. But one thing we can do is to build up our credit balances. The scripture said "Abraham believed God and it was credited to him, so it is with you also". To get a healthy credit score we need to believe God daily. It's not a one off thing, it's an everyday believing posture. It is only when we have a healthy balance that we can make huge withdrawals. The more we exercise our faith, the more credits we get. The more credits we have, the bigger our withdrawals. May we begin to build up a healthy credit score in our spiritual accounts.

Let’s pray: Father, please top up my spiritual account; in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen