
"If it is unacceptable in your sight to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve: whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you live; but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."

On a daily basis, we're presented with many options of gods we can serve and worship. We've got the god of money; people worship and chase money to the exclusion of all else. Their love for money has taken them places and made them do things too scary to mention. Then there's the god of sex and immorality. No need expanding on what it entails.  We have the god of alcohol and material possessions, the god of jealousy and envy; and many more. If you were presented with all these options, and to be honest, we are presented with all these options, whom would you choose? Would you choose money over God? What will it be this time? Would it still be the Ancient of Days, or would we choose one of the modern gods? What will it be? Joshua knew there is no alternative for Jehovah; there is no one who comes close to the power of Yahweh, his infinite wealth, grace and mercy. Until you know God well, all these alternatives may seem like fine choices. They may seem like better alternatives but the original is still the Original. May nothing cause us to change our minds about God. May nothing cause us to turn our backs on God; we've come too far and experienced him intimately to turn back now. And when others choose differently, may our confession be that of Joshua's: as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

Let’s pray: I say Yes Lord; to you and your will for me. Always yes. Amen