
Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. Proverbs 4:7 KJV

In Proverbs, particularly in the beginning chapters, The Preacher, places emphasis on wisdom and understanding. In fact, he cautions us to acquire understanding in much the same way as we acquire material things. Solomon is speaking to us from his personal experience; he knows what he's saying and begging us to listen. When we truly get understanding, we will know the truth in God's words, the truth about righteousness, the truth about God's power and the truth of life. We all know there are things that seem right but they are not. There are people who act like friends but they are not. There are ways that appear safe but they are not. We are surrounded by so many things and situations that are really not what they appear to be on the surface. Without understanding, we will fall into all the set pieces and traps. Without understanding we will be unable to discern the spiritual interpretation of events and of circumstances. Particularly this year, we need that spiritual maturity that comes from understanding; a mature comprehension of matters before us so we can make decisions backed by the Spirit and Word of God. May we not leave understanding behind as we frantically grasp miracles and blessings. May we truly understand this year so we do not miss our times of visitation.

Let’s pray: Father, we're asking for wisdom and understanding. Please give us liberally in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen