
Most certainly your God is the God of gods and the Lord of Kings and a revealer of mysteries, since you have been able to reveal this mystery. Daniel 2:47b AMP

If you had inside information or advance warning about something, how would you behave? The Intel would guide your actions, decisions and even your spending. In the Bible, there's mention of the children of Issachar as a people with wisdom and good understanding of the times and seasons. They had tapped into God's wisdom, secrets and mysteries. In our scripture, Daniel prayed asking for revelation of a hidden matter and God downloaded it to him. That God would download and share his secrets with us! The King Nebuchadnezzar calls God by a name we seldom use. He calls him "the Revealer of Mysteries". He acknowledges that God is Omniscient; having all knowledge even the deep and hidden mysteries of life. Did you know that God can share his secrets with us too? He encourages us to ask for wisdom and understanding. If we need to know anything about the times and seasons, about this year in particular, all we need to do is to ask. What do you need to know? Ask the Revealer of Secrets. May we receive the wisdom to walk wisely this year. May God reveal the mysteries hidden in this year with us. May we know what each month holds, and may we walk in this revelation. May our understanding be opened. May we seek God every step of the way.

Let’s pray: Give me wisdom Lord. May I not walk this year without direction. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen