
But as at that time the child [of ordinary birth] born according to the flesh persecuted the son who was born according to [the promise and working of] the Spirit, so it is now also. Galatians 4:29 AMP

In most of our field games, the person with the ball, is the one who gets chased and attacked. Why? Because if they are not stopped, they will win. Those chasing know the damage the one with the ball can do by scoring them. So they attack and chase the person with the ball to take it away or prevent them from scoring. Our scripture tells us the same truth. It tells us that the son of ordinary birth persecuted the son of the promise. We are the children of promise. We were born not by ordinary birth but through the promises of God; we are the children of God. But read the last line of the scripture above again. It says "so it is now also". We have the ball, and we're running hard towards the goal; the promises of a blessed life, righteousness, favour, health, wealth, abundance, prosperity and many more. However, it's not smooth sailing because the chasers and attackers don't want us to get there. They know the damage we will do when we score and win; but we don't seem to know that. So instead of pressing on in our speed, to score and win, we fall down and complain "why me"? Why not? We've got the ball and they want it. Do you want to hand it over to those attacking you? We won't give it back. It's time we picked ourselves off the ground and carry on to win. May God help us. May God open our spiritual eyes. May God give us supernatural strength to continue even in the face of adversity.

Let’s pray: Father, help me. Give me strength and wisdom to forge ahead and win. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen