The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined. Isaiah 9:2 KJV

In my part of the world, during a power outage, when you hear the children in the neighbourhood screaming for joy, that's all the signal you need to know that power has been restored. I don't know why the children scream with such ecstasy but I know light brings joy, it brings sight, it brings hope. When there is light all around you, it brings peace and also protection. The Light has come. Have you seen The Light? Has The Light lighted your path so that you're no longer wallowing in spiritual darkness? Spiritual weakness? Have you received The Light? There's a story told of a woman, who although connected to the power grid, never used her source of light. She was still using candles and lanterns. When asked why she wasn't using the light, she said she used it to find her match box to light her candles. Perhaps we're also doing the same? Even though the light has come, we refuse to accept it and we're still stuck using candles and lanterns; sitting in the shadows of flickering candle flames. The Light has come. The Light is here. The Light is shining on anyone and for anyone who comes into the light. Step into his brightness and let all the darkness fade away.

Let's pray: Father, today I'm standing in your spotlight. Shine on me and remove all forms of darkness out of my way. Thank you Lord. Amen