Your word I have treasured and stored in my heart, that I may not sin against You. Psalm 119:11 AMP

The Bible tells us, in the Parable of the Sower, that some of the seed that fell on the stones, represents those who receive the word of God, but the devil comes and snatches it away. You may be wondering, how can the devil snatch God's word away from us? By causing us to doubt God's word. By fighting God's words and making it look impossible. By making us try logic instead of standing on faith. By making us forget becoming hearers only and not doers of the word. Remember it was Satan who asked Eve 'did God really say that?'. When Jesus was in the wilderness the devil said 'it is written' that this will happen if you do this. At each and every turn, he tries in his cunning and subtle ways to get us to drop God's word and listen to the voice of the world. Did God really say that to you? Did God mean you? How can God change this report? But God can. And we can stand strong by keeping God's word in our hearts. The Psalmist says "I have treasured and stored your word in my heart". That's the key to win the fight against God's word. Recognize it for what it is: God's word not man's word. Meditate on it, memorize it, recall it from memory, repeat it often and speak it up when the doubts cloud our mind. God's word can never be replaced by man's word and if we value it for what it represents, nothing can steal it from us.

Let's pray: Father, may your words begin to take shape and bring life to our lives. May we stand on your word all the days of our lives. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen