
But even if He does not, let it be known to you, O King, that we are not going to serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up! Daniel 3:18 AMP

Such impudence and audacity from these youngsters before a King, who at that time, held most of the world in his power. What would make them give such a speech in the face of death? They knew their God; very well. They had faith that he would and could work a miracle for them. And even if he chose not to, he would still be their God. Most often, we're afraid to trust God completely because we're afraid that at the last minute, what we were hopeful about or expecting will not happen. But that's exactly what the Hebrew boys said: "Even if He does not". Even if he does not, will you still trust him? Even if he does not, will you continue to follow him? Even if he does not answer, will you be ok with him? Faith is untried when everything is smooth sailing. What faith is exhibited then? Imagine buying an all terrain 4-wheeler and using it only on asphalted roads. When does it get to prove that it can truly get you safely through the bad terrain? When do you get to test it's effectiveness in rugged landscapes? Our faith test or faith experience comes when we sail through the rough storms with no headway except holding tightly to God. It's not only a moment to exercise our faith but also, to leave the outcomes in God's hands. To get to a point where we're comfortable to trust God enough and say "even if God does not", I'm not going anywhere. You are my God.

Let’s pray: Abba Father, as we exercise our faith, please move in our favour. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen