His sons, however, did not walk in his ways, but turned aside after dishonest gain, took bribes, and perverted justice. 1 Samuel 8:3 AMP

There's a saying that 'while the Cobbler made shoes for everyone, his children walked barefoot'. Our reference scripture talks about the children of Samuel. Samuel knew first hand what happened to the sons of Eli and Eli himself due to disobedience. In fact, he delivered the message to Eli from God. You would have expected that Samuel would guard his own house and ensure his children didn't do evil in God's sight. While he was busy building the children and nation of Israel, he neglected his own home.  He neglected to discipline his own children.  Is it wrong to be consumed with the work of God? Not at all. But as the head of the house, it's important not to shirk our responsibility to those in our households. As we go out and speak to others, we need to speak also to those in our homes. As we're blessing and praying for others, we need to do the same for those in our various homes. As we're discipling and disciplining others, we need to do the same for our house members. We cannot be like the cobbler who fits everyone with shoes, yet our children are running about without shoes. We cannot preach one word to others and not do the same for our children. With time, they will turn out to become like the children of Eli and Samuel and bring disgrace to us. If we don't want that, it's not too late to bring change to our homes. May God himself help us.

Prayer: Father, with the same measure I mete out to others, may I apply the same to my home. Strengthen me to speak up without fear or favour. May my children not fall by the wayside. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen