
She will give birth to a Son, and you shall name Him Jesus (The Lord is salvation), for He will save His people from their sins. Matthew 1:21 AMP

Like any pregnant woman, who has been given a due date for their child to be born, as the day gets closer, the anticipation grows higher. The excitement although growing is muted. The expectation is high. This is exactly how the period of Advent is. The waiting for the Child to be born; the build up to the actual event. That's where we are now, on the cusp of the D-day, waiting for the suspense and anticipation to be over so we can receive our miracle. We've held hope alive that God will intervene in our affairs and bring positive change. From January until now, we've been hoping, praying, waiting, anticipating a change in our story; Trinity stepping in for us. We're hoping for a yes after so many months of no, rejection, pain and whatever else we've been battling. Continue to hold on because it's not over until the miracle is born. As surely as Jesus was born, to end Mary and Joseph's waiting period; as long as Jesus was born to end the waiting period for a Saviour; so long as Jesus was born to fulfill the ancient words of prophecy; your miracles will be born. My miracles will be born and nothing and no one can stop them. We will realize our own tangible testimonies to glorify the name of God. That wait will be over and it will be glorious victories because our Saviour and God is with us.

Let’s pray: Father, we have waited, let our miracles begin. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen