
This [day in which God has saved me] is the day which the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 AMP

We will agree that each day is different and every day is special. Based on our personal beliefs and perceptions, each day has its own set of blessings, opportunities and even troubles. However, each day presents us with another opportunity to see God's hand and mercy in our lives. This verse above adds a different dimension to each day's blessings. It reads: this day in which God has saved me. This tells us that each day, God does more for us on a personal level than just presenting us with a brand new day. He goes beyond the blessings and favour he gives and saves us from imminent danger, stressors and trouble. Each day, God fights our seen and unseen battles and snatches us out of danger. He has made the day special for each and everyone of us so we can experience God's true self in an awesome way. Did you get it? God specifically made this day to provide and to protect each of us from anything and anyone who will try to come against us. Each day is an invitation to witness at first hand the immense power and beauty of God in our lives. Isn't that amazing and yet humbling? What can we do or give in return? Nothing except our gratitude. This shows us that we have more than enough reason to thank God daily.

Let’s pray: a thousand tongues is not enough to thank you Father. But please accept us and our thanksgiving today. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen