For you are a holy people [set apart] to the Lord your God; the Lord your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be a people for His own possession [that is, His very special treasure]. Deuteronomy 7:6 AMP

Have you ever found yourself in a large crowd? I don't mean a very large crowd like an open music concert, a political rally or even a gospel crusade; with thousands of people pressed against each other. Unless you went with a friend who is standing right next to you, there's very little chance you will see any familiar face in the sea of faces. Now imagine someone on stage saying they're going to pick just one person for a special gift. What's the probability of getting picked? The proverbial one in a millionth chance. Yet your name is called and of all the millions of people gathered there, you get picked, chosen for the special gift. Look at yourself for a minute and see what's so special about you to be chosen? You may not see anything special but God does. Out of the billions of people scattered on the earth, his grace found you and I. His mercy availed for us. He specifically chose us and made us his own. I'm sure we've heard it over and over again but the truth of God's choice never fades, it's not an old story. Even when we hate ourselves for the foolish things we do and say, God still loves us. His love does not disappoint. We're not lucky to have been chosen; we're special. We're God's special treasure.

Let's pray: May that same grace which found me and brought me to you, keep me until the coming of Christ. Amen