
He refreshes and restores my soul (life). Psalm 23:3a AMP

There are times when we go through periods of emptiness. As if we've been squeezed dry of the zest for life and to the will to carry on. We feel deflated and empty, and it takes us a while to pull ourselves back together. I've got great news to share. There is someone who can refill our emptiness and who can get us back on our feet. We've got a God who not only understands what we're going through, but is also capable of restoring our missing 'moxo'. He's God Almighty and he's also known as The Restorer. In Psalm 23, David writes that 'He refreshes and restores my soul (life)'. In other words, God is capable of 're-giving' us a new zest for life. He's capable of giving us soothing balm for our jaded souls. He's very capable of breathing fresh air into our souls and spirits. He's more than able to give us a new breath of life to carry us forward. And he's also capable of giving us a new approach and outlook on life. He can re-stock our souls. In addition to this, God can fill us and remove the emptiness and bleakness out of our lives and even out of our looks. Instead of walking about brow beaten and depressed, God can lift us up so we can raise our heads and shoulders and walk about with renewed confidence. God can re-store and re-stock our depleted reserves. May God re-store our joy and zest for life. May God re-stock our depleted reserves and give us strength to carry on. May God fill us with his essence and cause our lives to be flavourful.

Let's pray: Father, refuel me. Restore and refresh my life with yourself. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen