
But Daniel made up his mind that he would not defile (taint, dishonour) himself with the King's finest food or with the wine which the king drank. Daniel 1:8a AMP

As a children of God, it's not as if we don't see or hear about the ways of the world. The lengths people will go to, to make wealth. The measures they will take to get to the top and stay at the top. The inconceivable things they engage in publicly and privately. Even if we've not seen with our own two eyes, we've heard. The kings table may be loaded with seemingly attractive and delectable fare, however, the end results and consequences are too risky. We risk losing our souls, all of God's blessings, his presence and his power. Like Daniel, we've made up our minds not to eat from the same table as the children of the world; not to eat the defiled food from the King's table. It may look very attractive but it adds nothing to our spiritual growth or maturity. When we read further down the chapter, it says that Daniel and his friends who didn't eat from the King's table, grew in stature, in looks and in wisdom. They matured better than those who ate the defiled food. May we take a cue from this and be resolute in our faith and walk with God. To be determined to follow God only; to follow him faithfully. This year, may we resolve to make it a year of holiness, a year of spiritual growth, a year where we live pure for God. May we not defile ourselves and our inner man with the delicacies from the King's table. May we not grieve the Holy Spirit with the things we engage and indulge in.

Let’s pray: Father, keep me from indulging in sinful pleasures. May I not touch, walk or gaze upon evil. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen