
I will rejoice greatly in the Lord, my soul will exult in my God; for He has clothed me with garments of salvation, He has covered me with a robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom puts on a turban, and as a bride adorns herself with jewels. Isaiah 61:10 AMP

We have enough reason to rejoice and be merry. Not only are we in a special season but because God  has conferred on us a great title. As his son's and daughters, not only has his grace clothed with his salvation and righteousness, but, he has made us his heirs. Do you know what that means? An heir is next in line when the father is no more; the heir inherits everything the father owns, including titles. As heirs of God, we inherit everything God has or owns. And when God is not there, we are. We stand in as his representatives. That's a big shoe to step in. It should gladden our hearts because God has made us worthy. He's cleaned us up, clothed us with his robe of righteousness and garments of salvation. Note that it's several garments of salvation and not just one. We can wear the garments of praise; to be undignified in praise and worship like David. There's the garment of sacrifice; to empty ourselves completely before him and ask him to fill us up, when we sacrificially give or do something out of our way for another. omeone. The garment of teaching. The garment of giving. The garment of salvation and many more. Even if this year has been so tough, that it looks like we just scraped through it, we have a reason to rejoice. We may not lay a sumptuous banquet for today or tomorrow but our feast could be a feast of mindfulness and praise in God's goodness towards us. In fact we can start our personal feasting at our praise table.

Let’s pray: Thank you Jehovah God. Thank you.