Not as a result of [your] works [nor your attempts to keep the Law], so that no one will [be able to] boast or take credit in any way [for his salvation]. Ephesians 2:9 AMP

Do you believe the good works you do on an intermittent basis qualifies you for heaven? If that was the criteria, all the humanitarian agencies would be lining up in heaven. You see, the Pharisees got it wrong. They thought it was by trying to be self righteous. The scribes didn't understand it.  They also thought it was by following all the laws that they could be saved. And most people don't get it either. It isn't about what we do, it is about who's we are. It isn't about performance, it's about position. What is our position in Christ? If the works we do could save us, we wouldn't need Christ. If our own righteousness was enough, there would be no need for Christ. God said through Isaiah, that all of our righteousness are like filthy rags. So those things we do that makes us so pompous and judgemental of others, in God's eyes, they are nothing. God made Christ, who didn't have sin, to carry our sin so Christ's righteousness could be transferred to us. We didn't do anything to deserve it, so we can't brag and say we saved ourselves. It's only by God's free gift of grace.  If we have anything to boast about, we ought to boast about God's grace. How we didn't deserve it but mercy spoke on our behalf, and grace moved in. It's not what we do but whom we walk with. It's not our performance of righteousness, it's our position with God that matters.

Let's pray: Father, may I not see myself as righteous in my own eyes. May my righteousness be of you and may I be found in you. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen