
Now this is eternal life: that they may know You, the only true [supreme and sovereign] God, and [in the same manner] know Jesus [as the] Christ whom You have sent. John 17:4 AMP

Do you know the head of your country? The Head of State, President or Monarch? You must. You may know their name and other public information about them. You may not however, be privy to personal and intimate information concerning them unless you're living very closely with them. Do you think the head of your nation knows you? Does he or she know you well enough to pick up the phone and call you for a chat? I doubt they do. We're all part of the statistics on the population census of our nations. We're part of the numbers. Unless we're personal friends with these people, we will remain figures making up the population. This is how our relationship with God looks like if we're not on an intimate level with him. We may know about him through others. We may read about him from books. We may put it down on forms that we're Christians but we don't have The Christ. We may even claim to know where he lives, but we don't have a direct connection to his ears. We cannot pick up the Red Phone at any time and call God. Our scripture today is asking us to know God. Not just head knowledge but at heart level; on an intimate and personal level. Jesus is praying for us to get to know God in a new dimension; at a different level. When we get to know this God, we will also know who Christ is and the power of the Holy Spirit. There's no life besides God. There's no life without Christ. May we know God more and more each day as he reveals himself to us.

 Let’s pray: May I get to know you more and more Father God. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen