
Clean out the old leaven so that you may have a new batch, just as you are, still unleavened. For Christ our Passover Lamb has been sacrificed. 1 Corinthians 5:7 AMP

Does it feel like we're already settling into our old ways of doing things? Like we're back in the same groove? Going about our lives like before? But it shouldn't be that way. We're only a few weeks into the new year. What happened to all our resolutions and plans to live differently this year? To tackle this year from a different angle? Until we get rid of our old ways of thinking and doing things, we will not see the change we want. We're creatures of habit and until we break those habits that we're used to, we won't be able to grasp the new this year. Our scripture tells us to get rid of the 'old leaven', what we're used to doing, our familiar habits and routines, and to bring in a new batch of leaven. We're to bring in a new batch of energy, fresh ideas, new plans, enthusiasm and fervour. It can't be the same old, same old, and expect great results. In a similar vein, in our Christian lives, until we take the stand to let go of our past, embrace our new birth and faith, we're not going to get far in our relationship with God. Until we take a stand to tackle God and his promises on a completely different level this year, from the angle that Jacob took when he was in distress, it will be as if God has lied to us. But he hasn't. May this year be our year of "if you don't bless me, I won't let you go". May we go through this year with aggressive faith to reap all the blessings and opportunities available. May this year be our year of new beginnings and of fulfilling our resolutions.

Let’s pray: I'm exercising my power, authority and dominion as an heir of the Kingdom. So help me God. Amen