
And yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me. John 16:32b AMP

Isn't it comforting to know that we're never alone? We walk with a God who is always present with us and around us. Physical barriers cannot stop him. He doesn't need a visa to move between geographical spaces to be with us. He doesn't have to buy a ticket before travelling, he doesn't need any kind of warm or light clothing. He simply is present with us whether we acknowledge him or not. The difference in knowing that God is truly present or not, is mindfulness. Being mindful that in all our spaces, he is there with us and for us. If you knew without any shadow of doubt, that someone you trusted was only a call away; someone who could provide you with any type of help, how would that impact your attitude, perspective and character? You would be very conscious that should anything or anyone cross you the wrong way, there's a reliable power source to fall on. You would walk confidently knowing nothing could stop you. You would be mindful that your protector is near. You would live bold and fearless. Above all, you would live in truth and integrity, since you wouldn't want to do anything that would upset your Mentor. That's being mindful and living consciously in God's presence each day. Knowing we are never alone. God has promised he will never forsake us or leave us. He won't; not today or tomorrow. He's for us.

Let’s pray: May your presence and glory never depart from my life Jehovah. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen