Bless and affectionately praise the Lord, O my soul, and all that is [deep] within me, bless His holy name. Bless and affectionately praise the Lord, O my soul, and do not forget any of His benefits. Psalm 103:1-2 AMP

We have more than enough reason to thank God. We have more than enough reason to glorify and magnify God. We have more than enough reason to shout on top of our lungs to the whole world, telling how God has been good to us. In fact, if we were to sit and take an honest assessment of how far God has brought us, through three hundred and sixty-five days of uncertainty and hidden perils, storms, wilderness, hunger, lack, illness, fear, discouragement, etc. etc. God deserves our all out adoration and the back end of our thanksgiving. Not only did he keep us but he provided, he protected. He delivered and he supplied all of our needs. And you know, God didn't have to do any of that but his love, mercy and grace won't let him do otherwise; the things God does for love. The love that never changes but always embraces us. It has only been God and it will always be God. As we thank him for bringing us to the end of this year, may we also thank him for the coming year. Let's thank him with all we have and are; and let's thank him for bringing us to the threshold of a new year.

Let's pray: You deserve all our thanks and praise. You deserve all of us. You deserve it all, Almighty God. You alone are worthy to receive all praise, honour and adoration. Thank you Abba Father. Amen