
So that we would be holy [that is, consecrated, set apart for Him, purpose-driven] and blameless in His sight. Ephesians 1:4b AMP

What is my purpose on earth? What am I supposed to be doing? Where am I headed? How do I fulfill my destiny? Have you ever asked yourself any of these questions before? Or any variation of it? You're not alone. I've read that most people ask themselves such questions during their lifetime. When we deep dive into our scripture, we notice that this isn't really a question we need to ask. We all have been given a purpose and a mandate to fulfill here on earth. If perchance, we're lost and have missed our purpose, it's not man we ask but God. Into each life, he designed a particular purpose. He designed us in such a way that our very lives would be purpose driven. He didn't mass produce us; he specially crafted a different path and purpose for everyone. Unfortunately, we ourselves, tend to wander off his main agenda and plan. And sometimes, we get blown off course by the world and by the schemes and lies of the devil. And so we find ourselves wandering when we should be fulfilling destiny. But God in his infinite mercy built in U-turns; provides second and third and a million chances to get it right. Do you want to live a purpose driven life this year? Cry to God, ask God to open your eyes, to show you his plan, to keep you from wandering around like a lost soul. And when he's shown you your path, stick to it. May God bless us with wisdom. May he open the eyes of our understanding. May he give us the plan to live a purpose driven life.

Let’s pray: Father, I need you. Please show me your plan and give me a word for this year. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen