
If possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Romans 12:18 AMP

As far as it depends on you as a child God, live differently. As far as it depends on you as a child of God, be a living walking billboard for Christ. And as far as it depends on you as a child of God, live in peace. We're encouraged to live peaceably, to exhibit grace in moments where the world and onlookers would expect an earthly reaction. We're being asked to live differently. In the Gospels, Jesus puts it in another way. He said if someone asks you to walk a mile with him, go the extra mile. If someone hits you on the cheek, turn the other cheek, if someone asks for your coat, give it to them. Why? Because by so doing, we avert any fights, quarrels and unnecessary tensions between one another. By so doing we're showing that we can live above and beyond our animalistic instincts. But most of all, we're showing the world that our living and calling is different. We're living the higher life that God has called us to. There's a story about an eagle and a crow. The crow dares to peck the eagle as it flies. The eagle doesn't bother to fight back. All it does is to fly higher and the crow falls off because it can't survive the altitude. Living at peace or in peace with everyone means we raise ourselves beyond the pettiness of ordinary people. We're not ordinary so why live as ordinary people do? May we live different. May we show that we're seated above in heavenly places with Christ Jesus. May we leave behind earthly immaturity. That grace that we have received from God, may we exhibit this grace to all.

Let’s pray: Father, make me a vehicle of peace. Everywhere I go, may I exhibit and show grace to everyone. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen