
Sing praises to the Lord, for He has done excellent and glorious things; let this be known throughout the earth. Isaiah 12:5 AMP

God is good all the time. And all the time, God is good because that's his nature. There's no better way to put this than to say "God has done some for us". He's carried us through the past week without any mishap and we're on the verge of a new week. He's been on call 24/7, and each time we've mentioned his name, he's been present. We've slept helplessly, like babies, while he stood guard not only over us, but over our homes and all that belongs to us. We've travelled safely to and fro without incident or accident. Our children have gone back to school and even if we've been financially and emotionally stretched, they're in school safely. For these and many more, we owe God thanks and praise. We can't pay him back but we can praise him, we can witness to others about how God has been good to us. More often than not, we're either selfish or overly cautious and don't want others to know about God's move in our lives. But our scripture today tells us to tell others. In fact, we're being asked to do 'konkonsa' about God. To let God's goodness be our topic for gossip. Let's spread his stories until everyone hears and knows that God is good; and is still doing good to you, I and others. May our stories compel others to come to God. May our stories showcase the goodness of God. May we never be shy to praise God.

Let’s pray: I stand in awe of all the things you're doing for me. I say thank you and ask for me. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen