Let us not grow weary or become discouraged in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap, if we do not give in. Galatians 6:9 AMP

We're often discouraged when we don't see any signs of change in something we've invested in or something we're engaged in, and have spent enough time on. Our inputs are on a high scale but the returns are so little in comparison. It could be a business, it could be a relationship or even prayer. Maybe we've been praying for a particular thing or for a particular someone and it looks as if the more we pray, the worse they get. It could also be a situation where no one seems to appreciate our efforts and so we decide it's time to end all this 'good Christian living'. This scripture is just what we need to be encouraged not to stop. How can we call a farmer a farmer, if he doesn't do those things that identifies them with farming? He must keep planting, he must continue rearing those animals, he must keep doing those things if he wants to get future results. That's what this scripture is asking us to do. Not to stop doing good, not to stop sowing our seeds of goodness everywhere we go. Not to be discouraged. Not only will we be recognized as Ambassadors for Christ, but there will be a reward in due season. May we not grow weary or discouraged in doing good. May we not give up at the edge of our harvest. May we not give up before our harvest is due. 

Let’s pray: Father, give us the fortitude to continue in whatever assignment you've commissioned us. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen