But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people". Luke 2:10 AMP

Joy is a person and he is Jesus Christ. Before he came down to earth in human form, it had been announced years earlier, that he would come to change the suffering of his people. That in my estimation is bringing joy to people who are suffering. Then Isaiah announced that he would be light to the Gentiles and bring light to those sitting in darkness. Where there is light, there is joy because one can see clearer and clearly. Have you been given good advice when before you were confused and didn't know what to do? Or the right decision to make? It frees your heart and fills you with joy, comfort and a sense of ease. Well, another attribute of Jesus Christ is he is the 'wonderful counsellor'. He takes up our case as a legal advocate and also provided uncontested good counsel. He is our joy. In Isaiah 9:3 he says 'God through Christ will multiply the joy of the nation. I'm telling you Joy is a person and he is Jesus Christ. And he can bring joy into our nations as well as in our individual lives. Did you know that true joy comes from peace? It doesn't matter what is going on around you, you have an inner joy that keeps bubbling despite the situation. Guess who controls peace? Jesus Christ! He is the Prince of Peace. If we have Joy living with us, then we have good counsel, peace, love and truth. When we have Christ, he comes with all of himself, his fullness and his essence to turn our chaotic life into a life of purpose and destiny. As others are celebrating, some people may be going through a hard time. Something may have happened and you don't feel joyful. Allow Joy in the person of Christ to fill you.

Let's pray: Give us Joy eternal Father. Let your joy dwell with us inwardly. May our lives exude Christ's joy and peace to all. comes from