
For with You is the fountain of life [the fountain of life-giving water]; in Your light we see light. Psalm 36:9 AMP

Have you ever used the flashlight from your phone, and suddenly someone has flashed a bigger beam on you? Maybe from a stronger flashlight. How was it? Or, you were using your phone in the stadium and suddenly the stadium flood lights were switched on. What happened to your own small light? It didn't go off, but the bigger lights provided much more seeing scope. Even though you have light of your own, the extra light or bigger light, lights up the surroundings much better. You can see much more clearly than the light from the phone's flashlight. And the stadium lights are far brighter than the blacklight from the phone. That's how it is when God's light falls on us; we see better and further. All around us becomes lighter, brighter, because of the stronger beam washing over us. When God projects his light on us, he makes our light to shine better. His light makes us more attractive drawing others to our light. In his light, we see light. In his light, we see better. In God's light, we have life, because he is the light. In God's light, we have a brighter future, we have joy. May we walk in God's light. May God's light cause our light to shine ever brighter. May we allow God's light to wash over us.

Let’s pray: Father, put your spotlight on me. Light up my path. Cause me to see. Give me life. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen